Weebly site update

I worked on my site for a bit by tweaking the design.. I also created a logo of sorts:

I can’t seem to settle on some parts of my site so I keep on changing the layout.I do hope that the end result will be nice 😀

Strawberry Cheesecake Tartlets


I was customizing my weebly site when this post caught my attention.. God it had me salivating for cheesecake from Becky’s! Tart, sweet and oh so creamy at the same time.

Note to self: Buy mango cheesecake from Becky’s soon..

The Craving Chronicles

You should know something about me. Once I get my mind set on something, there’s no going back. I have a teeny bit of Scottish heritage in my genes and I think it all manifested as stubbornness.

Strawberry Cheesecake Tartlets

Remember when I said a few weeks ago that I really wanted to make these cute cheesecake tartlets, but my plans were foiled by the lack of proper pans? If you thought that would be the end of it, you don’t know me. I immediately ordered some tartlet pans online and when they showed up, I started baking.

These beautiful little tarts were definitely worth the wait. They came together much faster than I expected and they have all the flavor you would expect from a big cheesecake. The cheesecake itself is smooth with a tart hint of lemon, which pairs perfectly with the sweet strawberry glaze and fresh strawberries. Aren’t they cute…

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My first day with WEEBLY!

I just started creating my website with WEEBLY.com and I really liked how they set it up because it’s not too complicated to setup.Some website creators are a bit confusing but WEEBLY is very friendly to noobs like me 😀

I chose my theme today and started adding pages to my weebly site.. I’m not finished with customizing it yet, but i’ll be working on it as soon as possible! It’s still not published yet so I’ll keep working on it..

I hope I can make it look good!

Minimum Hours of Sleep I Need to Function

little shiny pillow. coveted lamp.

The minimum would be 2 or 3 hours. I can function ok for the whole day but i’ll crash as soon as I see my bed 🙂

But the most number of hours i’ve slept would be 14 hours :/ 

it was after i stayed up for 48 hours..


MI-4 :)

This is all I have the energy to say right now:


Mission Impossible 4: Ghost Protocol – Rocks!


Mission Impossible, Ghost Protocol




Good Mornight everyone…

Hello world!

Days like today (a rainy day) makes me soo lazzzy……. 

I rarely go out of the bed at times like this. I only get up for necessities like food and bathroom breaks.. Usually I reread my favorite books and rewatch my favorites tv series “Bones” the whole day.. 

Honestly around 50% at least of the week is my ideal lounge around time 🙂

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